
XIII International Conference of Students and Young Scientists “INTELLIGENCE. INTEGRATION. RELIABILITY”


Institute of Aerospace Technology

Dear Scientists!

We invite you to participate in

XIII International Conference of Students and Young Scientists


which will take place on December 9, 2020  Igor Sikorsky KPI

The beginning of the conference is December 9, at 11.00 a.m.

Theses and registration form for participation should be submitted by December 1, 2020 to the e-mail address kpi.conference.iir@gmail.com

Participation is free.

Theses are accepted on subjects:

  • Aerospace Engineering and technologies
  • Control systems
  • GIS technologies and Precise agriculture

Requirements for theses:

  • submitting a thesis only in English;
  • theses must be no longer than four full pages (at least one full page) of the printed text in the format А4;
  • text of the theses: font “Times New Roman” (size 12), the spacing between the rows should be single, alignment should be in width, the indentation of the first line should be 1.25 mm, all fields are 20 mm;
  • theses must adhere to the terminology adopted by the standard; using a new term or abbreviation, the author must decrypt and explain them;
  • when selecting units of physical size, SI systems should be followed;
  • theses should contain the formulation of the task, the work is done, the theoretical or practical result;
  • survey works are not allowed;
  • a report of no more than 15 minutes, a presentation at PowerPoint.

Due to limitations related to COVID-19, the work will be organized in a distant form of video-audioconference.

Organizing committee of the conference Institute of Aerospace Technology